Artist Statement
I emphasize the rekindling of innate human vulnerability and innocence often lost within ourselves. I mourn this loss and grow around the remains as time continues. My work morphs my suppressed realities into nightmarish distortions. I confront the non-linear nature of processing my twisted perceptions through watercolor, acrylic paint, and other mixed media. Through symbolism, I create narratives of longing, delusion, and daydreaming. I produce a limbo between the real and the imaginary as I face these repressed thoughts. My work is a representation of my mental state.
Through my aesthetic and symbols, I live in a hyperreality, rewriting what is lost and embracing renewed vulnerability. Hyperrealization, at its core, is a concept in post-structuralism that generates a cultural state of confusion between signs and symbols that represent reality. Structuralism, a theory of consciousness that analyzes the basic elements of mental experiences and how they combine to form complex ones, defines my practice. It works to uncover the structural patterns that underlie all the things humans think, perceive, and feel.